06 April 2007

Semana Santa Blues

Semana Santa is Holy Week.
Its colors are violet, blue and white.
I see that from what the priest and churches
adorn themselves and the altars around.
Catholics around the world gather
in complete murmuring tone.
I'm not pretty sure how or why
but around this time all the hollering
whatchamacallit are reduced to murmurs.
My keeper who has a normal
blasting-from-space voice
is reduced to whispers:
"hey, little one, come here!"
I was not sure I heard her call until
I saw her waving frantically at me.

Why can't you speak up, keeper?
We have to be quiet
in observance of the holy week.

Ah, ok. No barking?
As much as possible, nope!

Er, what about intruders?
Just bite his head off but do it quietly
She laughs at her own joke.

The other day I heard the keeper discussing
this quiet celebration with somebody over the phone.
Nope, I'm not going to the beach I'm staying home to work.
She's quite pissed off when people invite her
to go on an outing during the holy week.
She also does not go on a 'retreat'.
She said she prefers to "go forward, not backward"
She also does not go on recollection.
She prefers to 'collect'.
She does not 'forgive' nor 'forget'.
She said she just GIVE and GET.

Last Palm Sunday, she refuses to buy palms which people wave during the sunday mass. She tells me she does not want to recreate the deception and utter dependence of the people for a messiah to save them. She said she would rather recreate the scene as one of the grieving widows welcoming the Messiah and praying for the crucifixion He has to undergo just to save the people. She also looks to the present. The priest who plays the role of the Messiah must have to suffer for his parishioners. He has to be celibate and be humble to live a lifetime of restrictions and limitations just to serve and be of service to people.

My keeper prays fervently for all religions
as she prays for all her priest friends,
the sisters in convents and lay volunteers,
her Ananda Marga yoga teacher,
her Buddhist friends, Muslims friends,
the Jews, shamans and priestesses,
and links to the Higher Energy
that is found in the heart of the living.

I'm blabbering.
It is semana santa.
and I am blue. . .

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