21 July 2006


heaven rocks
heaven rolls
heaven is cool
heaven is my home. . .

There is something sacred
about the HoundsInHeaven.
Keeper said we are like blessings
brought to bring good cheers to Heaven!

Heaven is located along Rainbow Avenue
in the town of San Pedro (that's St. Peter!)
Down Rainbow Avenue is the Joseph and Mary Academy
where lived a boy named Peter John . . .
Our vet's name is Dr. Joseph
and the petshop where my mumsy Pica
goes on vacation when she's on heat
is called God Almighty!
And this is not just a coincidence.
Keeper said it is predestined . .

Heaven is a small cozy place
surrounded by trees and plants
and all sorts of transient beings
which provides a good exercise
for the houndsinheaven
who loves to bark and chase after
whatever and whoever. . .
And when this happens,
my keeper goes on a fit:

"Hey guys! No killing of cats and birds!"

When the keeper returns from her trip, she asks stupidly:

"Did anybody kill anybody while I'm gone?"


My keeper loves nature.
Apart from the houndsinheaven
she talks to birds, cats, frogs, ants
the plants, trees, stones, leaves,
and yes, even to the clouds!
She sits and soaks outside during full moons
as much as she soaks in the early rays of the sun.

Keeper calls it energy chargers.
The houndsinheaven adore her
because she communicates well with us
as she would all the annoying transient beings
that distract her attention away from us.
And that meant competing for her attention
especially when I needed to have
my belly rubbed before I snooze!

But Heaven is my keeper's sacred space . . .

Heaven is where her angels adorn practically every nook

where a sexy, smiling female Buddha reclines comfortably . .

and where Christ sits as king down the hall . . .

where bells and incense surround the siesta hour
and murmured prayers at dusk lull the holy hour

this daily ritual puts me on trance
as I stretch my furry self to sleep . . .

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