03 September 2007


This is my design concept for DWBs.
Er, nope, I did not illustrate this.
I asked keeper to do it for me.

I told her I want a design
with a drawing of a cool dog (me?)
working with some techie stuff
like laptop or mobilephone
and I want a design concept
that can be printed on t-shirts
or groovy pins, or pendants,
or something. . . .

I gave her the concept
and keeper made three versions
in an hour (yeah, she draws fast).

I'm not so sure I look cool here . . .

nor does the blue shirt look cool here . . .

But keeper just took a break
from her writing to do all these
and I thought I'll bug her again
with more designs next time.

But keeper is donating these designs
for DWB if we want it (hello, Opy?)
designed and lovingly dedicated
from the creative team (that includes me!)
of the houndsinheaven studio. . .


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

WOW ! Those designs are wonderful. We would be honoured to use them - we can put them in our Cafe Press store for Monika's Rescue. If you would like to email me - I would love to get dad to put them on tshirts etc.

Thanks so much - tell your keeper she is pawsome !!!


sweepyheaven said...

Arf! Thank you too, Opy!
