06 June 2009

Drawing Day!

. . . and I did!

Woof! I almost did not made it to this Big Event this year. Today is the worldwide Drawing Day where 1 million drawings will be posted all over the world! I have to wake Keeper up early but she has to prepare our meals, kiss Bogart, clean our house, kiss Bogart, sweep all our falling furs all over our house Heaven, kiss Bogart and before you know it, Keeper is dead tired!


You really should not kiss my big, black, brother Bogart all day. It can really make you tired. Not to mention dizzy and crazy with all that black furs. I am sure your nose is filled with Bogart's black furs that even the A1H1N1 virus won't be able to get through! Freakin' possibility!

Keeper! Get up! Today is Drawing Day!

Keeper got up like crazy.
She rushed to get her workshop apron while I rush to don my drool kerchief. I have to set aside my dark mood and death-defying howling all week so I can do my drawing and be part of the Great Illustrators all over the world! I am after all A Drawing Dog!

We have to work fast.
We only have thirty minutes to do it.
By midnight it is all over!

My Drawing Day Folio:

This is my warm-up doodles.
Keeper loves this exercise she calls 'windows.'
You create little windows and fill it with stuff
that identifies with you.

It is like a window
looking into your drooly world!

So mine is
my drooly face,
a bone representing 'treats'
a heart for ma cherie GF
and if you look closely
I made a cookie drawing
to represent, who else,
my furever love Cookie!

Of course, I included my fave Sun-God,
flowers which all the hounds love,
our beautiful trees Yvon and Chicky,
my food bowl, my Moon guide,
my pillows and fur brush,
my toys, the black hounds,
and Star . . . representing Keeper.

If you put them all together
you get a picture of who I am!
You just took a peek at My Windows!

I am so energized now.
I can now put together
a better drawing in color now!

This is the Hounds In Heaven portrait.
I did not include Popsy Sumo and Keeper.
I do not have time . . .

I want to paint but I don't have time.
I want to do a mixed media work
using recycled materials
but again, I do not have time!

I really should have started drawing in the morning!

And this . . .

. . . is Keeper's drawing of me.
Keeper said I am sweepy, sweety,
clingy and totally dark.

Pretty, drooly crazy
but again, maybe she's right.

. . . did we get 1 million drawings yet?

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