Holidays bring families together.
And reunions means food 24/7!
Holy macaroni, Keeper!
Watch the carbs!
Watch those sweets!
Keeper's family have history of diabetes
yet look at her favorite munchies . . .
yikes, chocolates!
They're bad for us.
They're definitely bad for you, Keeper!
Stop giving me that funny face, Keeper!
Ok, lemme see what's in your hands.
Show me what you're clutching in there!
Whoa! Oh, I knew it!
Colorful thingamajigs Uppers!
xxxxXXXXXxxxx- stuff!
Yikes, chocolates are uppers, Keeper!
You said so yourself!
Geez, before I start sounding
like my whining Keeper
who's pretty upset
that her slowband connection
is not showing my blog widgets and all.
These are the small, what-nots info about me
you see on the right of my blah - - - >
If you don't see it too
either you have slowband
or, OMG, my blog got spammed
whammed, trammed . . .
ok, don't rush to your thesaurus
I made up some of those words. . . .
My Keeper's old PC Dwight
(who I'm sure is older than Pica)
is loaded with centuries old creatives
oh, those pending files Keeper calls "pedofiles"
PLUS, it's loaded (er, burdened)
with slowband connection
who is the great, great ancestor of broadband.
Keeper took out her wish pipe
and started blowing smoke to clear it
to no avail . . . my widgets are still gone. . .
must have went shopping somewhere . . .
The old star of Bethlehem was consulted
and the ageing (for barking out loud!) Star
I shall name Versuvius Cupulius
told Keeper to remove some widgets
(BOL, my links to my other sites gone!)
and still no page elements showing
and waaah! no widgets !!! . . .
Ten paws dwn for Versuvius!
Will somebody please advise my freaking Keeper
what is happening before she gagged herself
loading her yoga-toned body with uppers!
. . . so Holidays bring happy smiles
meeting new friends
seeing old friends
receiving and giving gifts
receiving spam and virus blues
and giving glum faces
and runny noses . . .