30 December 2007

Keeper's Munchies

Holidays bring cheers . . .
Holidays bring families together.
And reunions means food 24/7!
Holy macaroni, Keeper!
Watch the carbs!
Watch those sweets!
Keeper's family have history of diabetes
yet look at her favorite munchies . . .

yikes, chocolates!
They're bad for us.
They're definitely bad for you, Keeper!

Stop giving me that funny face, Keeper!
Ok, lemme see what's in your hands.
Show me what you're clutching in there!

Whoa! Oh, I knew it!
Colorful thingamajigs Uppers!
xxxxXXXXXxxxx- stuff!
Yikes, chocolates are uppers, Keeper!
You said so yourself!

Geez, before I start sounding
like my whining Keeper
who's pretty upset
that her slowband connection
is not showing my blog widgets and all.
These are the small, what-nots info about me
you see on the right of my blah - - - >

If you don't see it too
either you have slowband
or, OMG, my blog got spammed
whammed, trammed . . .
ok, don't rush to your thesaurus
I made up some of those words. . . .

My Keeper's old PC Dwight
(who I'm sure is older than Pica)
is loaded with centuries old creatives
oh, those pending files Keeper calls "pedofiles"
PLUS, it's loaded (er, burdened)
with slowband connection
who is the great, great ancestor of broadband.

Keeper took out her wish pipe
and started blowing smoke to clear it
to no avail . . . my widgets are still gone. . .
must have went shopping somewhere . . .

The old star of Bethlehem was consulted
and the ageing (for barking out loud!) Star
I shall name Versuvius Cupulius
told Keeper to remove some widgets
(BOL, my links to my other sites gone!)
and still no page elements showing
and waaah! no widgets !!! . . .
Ten paws dwn for Versuvius!

Will somebody please advise my freaking Keeper
what is happening before she gagged herself
loading her yoga-toned body with uppers!

. . . so Holidays bring happy smiles
meeting new friends
seeing old friends
receiving and giving gifts
receiving spam and virus blues
and giving glum faces
and runny noses . . .

25 December 2007

Oh, what a Merry, Merry Day!

. . . yes, it is Christmas time.
And a Child was born
as a blessed gift to mankind . . .

In Heaven the portal opens
to welcome family and friends
animals and good cheers . . .
Oh, what a happy, happy time!

My mumsy Pica is still strong
and reigns as the hounds' Queen
in a throne only she can occupy
in our hearts . . .

Her presence assures Keeper
that her prayers are answered . . .

My popsy Sumo is all agog
happy and dancing for joy
for reasons only he knows
(er, Keeper, could he and Pica . . .?)

His energy and enthusiasm assures Keeper
that love and caring makes for a happy hound . . .

My big brother Bogart is WELL
and still big. . . and still dopey
but now . . . all smiley

and more importantly,
he ate a whole chicken steak today!
Actually, he even ate my share
but I did not mind . . .

. . . because I was so happy!
I could not care less
if Bogart ate all my chews!

I am happy because . . .
I made a lot of friends.
I conquered my fear of RainbowAve.
I became a SuperDog.
I received a lot of pats,
a lot of hugs and kisses
especially from pretty girls . . .

ok, stop drooling doggy buddies . . .
they promised to visit you all
and give you warm pats and kisses as well!

and more importantly,
the houndsinheaven taught some people
to be kind and more caring to animals,
to respect and keep the environment clean,
and to freely give and share . . .

. . . most especially to those in need . .

Have a joyful, meaningful and prosperous holy day!

23 December 2007

SuperDog Woofdate

Ok, while Bogart is trying to get well
let me stand guard here in Heaven
and check RainbowAve for any news . . .

Hmmm, let me see . . .
. . . kids carrying gifts from godparents. . .

Whoa! look at all those mommies hurrying home
with all those supermarket goodies . . .

Hey, the postman is here Keeper
with more holiday cards for us!

. . . yikes, look Keeper! Woof!

There's another roaming dog
owned by our hard-headed neighbor!

Quick, grab your camera and take a pic!
And forward it to Kap for action!

. . . and this is what I got for doing my duty.

Boy, this Superdog thing is pretty cool.
You get loads of kisses and hugs
simply by snooping around . . .

By Nighttime . . .

Ok, I'm back at my post . . .

Nope, nothing is happening on this side . . .

Nothing on this side too!

Hey, it's getting dark Keeper!

Ok, I think I better stay inside
and just keep watch over our growing mails.

I'll wait for Bogart to get real well
so we can do more serious sniffing . . .

So I'm off duty for now.
Signing off.

22 December 2007

Bogart is Well!

Yes, he is!

It took him three days of not eating
and looking as glum as always
and as clueless as ever
(Keeper almost died from worry!)
but yesh, doggy friends from everywhere
thank you for all your prayers
he is up (well, almost) . . .

. . . and now busy helping distribute
our holiday presents to neighbors,
an annual tradition started by
Keeper's late mother (bless her soul!)

Of course, I'm helping him . . .

and of course, I tasted some of it
to make sure our gourmet delight
is purr-fect for all taste buds!

Keeper thinks Bogart probably got tired
from helping Keeper with all our holiday cards

yes, that is Bogart's paw you see
as paper, er card-weight, I'm sure!
(but just in case, does anybody know
what that deadly visitor wormsy is?)

I did my part too, you know
although not on my lazy toes . . .

but yesh, I helped Keeper
with our holiday cards weeks ago.
I licked every handmade paper envelope shut
so guys, you have my drool there too, woof!
. . . which I hope everybody
will received before 2008
(it's not called snail mail for nothing, woof!)

. . . so now, here is my big bro Bogart now
trying to regain his bulky self

while Santa played carols beside him
and waiting by heaven's gate
with his fondue set
for our liver pate treat . . .

Keeper thanks DWBs for their support
and loving, warm prayers
as Keeper lights a healing candle
to other animals
and keepers
who are sick, in pain or loneliness,
lost, missing, bored and alone . . .
May your holidays be joyful!

20 December 2007

Bogart got sick!

That was the sad news this week.
One second he was up and goofy
the next day he was glum and weak.

It is not easy for anybody to know
if my big brother Bogart is not well.
He is always happy and not demanding
And since he only has one expression
on his big, black face
and he wags his tail all the time
nobody would know that
my poor brother is in pain
except Keeper!

Last week Bogart remained glum
even if Keeper would playfully kiss him
a thing all the houndsinheaven enjoy
doing with Keeper. . .

But Bogart remained doggo.
So Keeper felt for his tummy
and cheerfully promised him (and us)
that she will try to cut fresh grass
which helps us detoxify our system.

But Keeper forgot!
And Bogart never complained.
But when he did not eat his breakfast
and later his snacks at noon
Keeper ran her hand on his body
and got really frantic!
She told me Bogart has high fever.

I was frantic myself.
I felt sick just watching him.
Keeper ran her hands over his hot body
and tried to perform her healing magick.
When Keeper finished after almost an hour
Bogart's fever was gone!
He was so thirsty he finished
all the water in his water bowl!
Keeper brought him to his bed
and when he woke up he was able to eat.
He looked really weak but his fever is gone
and his appetite slowly returned.

Keeper was keeping an eye on him all week.
She said it must be the other wormsy.
The deadly garden pest that looked cool
and funny with his big eyes and color.
Watch out for this thing, doggies!

Bogart tried to pry this wormsy from the garden
when Keeper got alerted and removed it
before it does further damage to other beings.
Well, it made my big brother Bogart sick
so we know better than befriend it . . .

13 December 2007

SuperDog Projek Update!

Great news!
Today, Keeper woke up at dawn
and armed with my huge campaign material
trooped to the nearby school:
the Pacita National High School
to promote our volunteer project
to make the students aware of the laws and ordinances
to keep our community clean, safe and orderly!

The first school that responded
to my campaign call.
Too bad I was not with Keeper.
I would love to pose with these cool students!

Hello Mayla, Rowena and Evelyn!

Next time,
I will join Keeper
when I'm not too busy
checking all my mails!

Please check Keeper's studio for full report!

You Got Mails, HoundsInHeaven!

Woof! Arf!
Tahol! Ubo! Ubo!
We got mails, Keeper!

Ok, hold your drool guys!
Just sniff and no mass destruction.

Wow, I'm practically swimming
with all these cards, Keeper !!!

Hmmm, no treats but they sure smell nice.
Can I bite one card, Keeper?
Just one?
Eh, nope.
Tough luck.

Duh, what's all these cards, Keeper?

Your holiday cards from your doggy friends, Bogart.

The same ones you got and stored with Dwight.

(Dwight is our PC)

Can I bite one, Keeper?
Duh, no?
Ok, I'll just sniff.
Just sniff, Keeper.

Oh, how I love cards!
See how popular I am!

All these people . . . eh what, Sweepy?
They're not from people?
Oh, from our doggy friends!
Er, what do you mean OUR doggy friends?
Oh, you're right, Bogart.
It did say: houndsinheaven.
That means us.
My own flesh and blood.
We got mails!
Arf! Arf!

What's all the noise?

I better stay put in my house.
So much noise.
Too much excitement.
Keeper, I'm having my meals in my house.
Yes, in my house.
For now.

Thanks to all our doggy friends!
Keep em coming.
Ours is already on the way.
Have a happy Holiday!

06 December 2007

Are We There Yet? Sweepy Version

This is my version of:
Are we there yet, Keeper?
Read: Is our SuperDog campaign moving on?
Keeper rolled her eyes at me.
That definitely means: Not YET.

Ok, fine with me.
Lemme sleep this off.

I'm pretty excited to go out
and "chase windmills"
or "break a leg" whatever
the way I hear Keeper's artist friends say it.
Although, sssh, don't tell mumsy Pica
or she'll bark the drool out of me.
My mumsy does not believe in going
unnecessarily foolish. Her words.

Anyway, I have Good News:
Huge 3feet by 5feet campaign poster
made of weather-resistant tarpaulins
have arrived courtesy of great friends
from Keeper's art world:

Wow! Woof! Arf!
Took the words right out of my drooling mouth.
I really look gorgeous there, I'm sure.
I checked it out for size . . .

Hmmm, woof!
Perfect to post along the major streets
but what are we waiting for?

The proper coordination from authorities
so we know who-what-where
TO CALL to report violators.
That's what.

Calling: Mayor Cataquiz and Kap Solidum
We need the HOTLINES!
We need to sit down with your enforcers
to make sure we have proper coordination.
We need you guys TO FOLLOW UP
on the commitments you made to us
so we can do our (bark!) advocacy work!
For barking out loud!

We need ACTION guys!
Or these huge campaign materials
will simply wait in boredom with me. . .

03 December 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like . . .

. . . Bedlam!

Still feverish
after all that photo-shoots
and all that Santa suits
and Keeper's hysterics
as she runs back and forth
that I think we should tell her
exactly what she always tell us
when we get too excited

"I think you've gone mad, Keeper"

LOL, or should we say BOL (bark out loud!)

Well, she made several holiday card designs
and lost most of it!

She hurriedly made my SuperDog folio
and forgot to send it!

And on top of the whole mess
she started painting the window frames
and the rusty grills and creaking doorways
"to freshen up the energy and look"
only to realize she did not have enough paint
to complete the job! Boo-Ho-Ho!
So now we have unpainted grills and doors
all over heaven!

Gee, what glee!

But things are looking up.
Her friends have started sponsoring
huge 3feet by 5feet tarp to be installed
down Rainbow Avenue
and other major streets
for my SuperDog campaign.
THANKS to all of Keeper's friends.
Your generosity is the best gift
for all animal hounds in the city!

She was able to update her mails
and re-designed our holiday cards
to be sent to more than a hundred
people and animals all over the world!

But whatever she does
she takes the time
to rest her weary self
beside her hounds
while we pat her head for a change.
Good job, Keeper!